“All first-year Junior players attending Jr. A tryouts must be registered with a Club with a Tier II team.“

Teams: Edmonton Jr. Miners, Saskatchewan Swat, Calgary Jr. A Mountaineers and Calgary Jr. A Raiders.
Player Ages: 17 to 21. Most players are 19 to 21 years old. Very few players play Jr. A in their first year of Major lacrosse.
First Playing Rights:
The Jr. A Mounties and Jr. A Raiders hold the Jr. A playing rights for all players who reside in the boundaries of CALL, CDLA and SALA Local Governing Bodies (LGB). The Jr. A Miners hold the playing rights for all players residing North of the CALL boundary.
Graduating U17 Draft:
Annually by mid-February, the Jr. A Mountaineers and Jr. A Raiders each draft ten (10) Graduating U17 players from the Minor Lacrosse Clubs in CALL, CDLA, and SALA. The Jr. A Miners draft ten (10) Graduating U17 players from the Minor Lacrosse Clubs in GELC, and Wheatland as well as from the Grande Prairie, Camrose, and Wood Buffalo Minor Lacrosse Clubs. Drafted players are the property of the team which drafted them until released or traded.
50 Player Protected List:
Each Jr. A team can protect up to 50 players. The 50 Player Protected List increases to 60 from the Jr. A draft date through to the second Sunday in April. This Protected List includes the players on the teams’ previous season roster who are still Junior eligible (maximum 25 players), plus the drafted first year Juniors and selected Jr. Aged players to fill the list to a maximum. For the time, a player is listed on a team Protected List, the player cannot play for another Jr. A team in Alberta. A player can remain on a Jr. A team Protected List for all five (5) years of their Junior eligibility. For example, a drafted first year Junior could be on a Jr. A team Protected List for 5 years of their Junior lacrosse eligibility and never be on a Jr. A team 25-player roster. The Jr. A Teams 50 Player Protected List is posted on the RMLL website https://rockymountainlax.com/jr-a-40-man-protected-list/.
Drafted Players:
Must report to the Jr. A team who drafted them if the player is on the 50/60 Player Protected List of that Jr. A team. A player can be drafted to both a Jr. A team and Jr. B Tier I team. In this circumstance, the player must report to both teams and attend the tryouts of both teams.
Jr. A Free Agent:
A player not on a Junior A Protected List is a Jr. A Free Agent. Jr. A Free Agents who reside north of the CALL boundary may try out for the Jr. A Miners. Jr. A Free Agents who reside in CALL, CDLA and SALA areas may try out for the Jr. A Mountaineers and/or the Jr. A Raiders. (A drafted/protected player can only attend the tryouts of the Jr. A team which drafted/protected them).
Tryouts can be by invitation only or open. All open tryouts are posted on the RMLL website Home Page.
Players from Another LC Jurisdiction:
Must have an approved LC Transfer before registering with an Alberta Club/Team.
Out-of-Country Players:
Must have a completed “Proof of Medical” form on file with the ALA.