Regular Season Standings: Standings are calculated using the win, loss, tie record for games played including the games played against the Jr. Major Female teams.

Teams: Calgary Cougars and Senior Drillers
Player Ages: over 21 years of age in the current playing Season.
Players from Another LC Jurisdictino:
Must have an approved LC Transfer before registering with an Alberta Club/Team.
out-of-Country PLayers:
Must have a completed “Proof of Medical” form on file with the ALA.
Sr. Major Female Playing Rights:
For the upcoming Season, each Senior Major Female Franchise holds the Senior Major Female playing rights to each player on their previous Season final roster until the player is released, traded or not on their current roster as of May 1.
A Sr. Major Female Franchise may roster up to forty (40) players.
Senior Major Female Free Agents:
Players not listed on the previous season Senior Major Female final roster as of May 1 and players not listed on a current Senior Major Female team.