RMLL/alra rule emphasis
Back-up Goalie Helmet/Mask
It has been observed that teams are not ensuring their back-up goalies are wearing approved head gear [helmet/masks] while on the bench running doors. As per rule 17- Non-Playing Personnel; Item (a) & Situation 1 plus the reference to Rule 11 – Headwear; Situation 1. All back-up goalies must be wearing a CSA or NOSCE approved helmet & mask while on the bench. The penalty for non-compliance will be a 10 min. misconduct served by any player on the team, other than the goalie.
Goalie Equipment and Jersey’s
As per rule 12 – Goal Keeper Equipment; item (h); all protective equipment except gloves, head wear, shoes or leg guards, must be worn under the goalkeepers uniform.
It is incumbent on team officials & goal keepers to ensure they are properly attired and Rule 12 is quite explicit about what must be worn, altering equipment and illegal equipment, all of which non-compliance carries a 2 min. and game misconduct. If requested by the opposition team captain/alternate the goaltender equipment will be examined for compliance and conformity.
The goalie jersey must completely cover their gear, so no short sleeves, must cover the cuff at the wrist and extend over the belly pad, plus the color must be the same as the rest of the team. Rule will be enforced with a 2 minute penalty and fixed before the team/goalkeeper plays again.
Fighting/Instigator Penalty
In Junior B Tier III it is MANDATORY that the instigator penalty be called in fights and our senior officials are instructed to ensure they get the instigator/aggressor out of the game. This penalty will assessed with a 5 min. major & game misconduct penalty plus any further penalties by that player or others involved in the altercation. The goal is to remove only the 1st individual but if there are more, then they too will be assessed the same penalty.
Mouth Guards
A player/goalie not wearing a mouth guard will receive a 2 minute and a 10 minute penalty.
Note: A player/goalie not wearing the mouth guard correctly, completely in their mouth, but has it half hanging out or chewing on it, will also receive a penalty (2 minute and 10 minute as well).
ALA Regulation 16.03.3 Mouthguards,
All players/goalies of all age (with the exception of Mini-tyke)players/goalies) are required to use a mouthguard as it was intended bythe manufacturer. Any player/goalies who does not use a mouthguard as itwas intended by the manufacturer, shall be assessed a 2 minute delay ofgame penalty and a 10 minute misconduct. In order for the penalizedplayer to remain in the game, the penalized player must immediately use amouthguard. In the event the goalie was assessed the penalty, a player onthe floor must serve the penalty and misconduct. In order for the goalieto remiain in the game, the goalie must immediately use a mouthguard as itwas intended by the manufacturer. Failure to do so will result in thegoalie being removed from the floor. A second penalty to the sameplayer/goalie, in regards to mouthguards, will also result in a gamemisconduct and an official game report shall be forwarded to the localgoverning body.
Illegal Equipment
It is the responsibility of team officials to ensure their players are properly equipped and do so by signing the game sheet prior to the commencement of the game. Jewlery/bling is also expected to have been removed [Rule 13 (b); NOTE] and carries the same 2 & 10 minute penalty if noticed any time during play or by request of the opposing captain/alternate at the next stoppage of play.
Also, if an opposing team does ask for an examination at the next stoppage of play, the player in question MUST still be on the floor and if found to be in non-compliance then the 2 & 10 will be assessed, conversely, if they are in compliance then the requesting team will serve a 2 min bench minor as per 13 (c), which can be any player other than the goalkeeper.
Teams are to follow the Uniform and Equipment rules as defined in the 2009 CLA Rule Book.
All players must wear their equipment, including shoulder pads, and wear it as intended otherwise penalties will be given. Penalties will also be given if players are wearing equipment which is not approved.